[CODATA-international] Call for Abstracts: AGU session IN024 - Enabling Open and Interoperable Access to Physical Samples and their Associated Digital Artifacts

Rorie Edmunds rorie.edmunds at datacite.org
Tue Jul 25 22:58:54 EDT 2023

*Apologies for cross posting*

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to submit an abstract to AGU23 session IN024 - *Enabling Open
and Interoperable Access to Physical Samples and their Associated Digital
Artifacts*. This session is focussed on issues related to managing samples
in the era of Open Science, including capturing and maintaining metadata,
minting and managing PIDs, digitization and tracking sample use and
citations. See the full session abstract below, and start your submission
today <https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/prelim.cgi/Home/0>*.* Abstracts are
due next week, 2 August.

Best wishes,

Session Co-conveners

Erin Robinson (Metadata Game Changers), Rorie Edmunds (DataCite), Lesley
Wyborn (Australian National University), and Joan Damerow (Lawrence
Berkeley National Lab)


*Session Abstract*

Physical samples are a cornerstone of scientific research; globally the
number of samples in Geocollections is in the billions. Each sample is
selected to be representative of a specific location, time, and/or
material. Over the sample lifecycle, subsamples can be derived and many
artifacts acquired, including digital representations, observations,
analytical data, publications. Increasingly, Persistent Identifiers are
assigned to samples, their digital representations, derived datasets,
associated publications, as well as researchers/funders/ organizations
responsible for collecting/preserving/publishing samples.

Managing open sample collections and data requires more complex workflows,
including tools for capturing and maintaining metadata, minting and
managing PIDs, digitization, physical access, and automatically tracking
how samples are used and cited over time.

This session invites anyone working on physical samples and related
artifacts, including Researchers who collect, work and publish on
samples; Professionals
who manage samples (museums, repositories, etc.); Cyberinfrastructure
providers who support tools and services for samples.

*Rorie Edmunds PhD | Samples Community Manager | DataCite*
*Japan Standard Time <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/japan/tokyo>*
*E*: rorie.edmunds at datacite.org
*W*: datacite.org | Blog <https://blog.datacite.org/> | Twitter
<https://twitter.com/datacite> | LinkedIn
Support Desk <support at datacite.org> | Support Site
<https://support.datacite.org/> | PID Forum <https://www.pidforum.org/>
*A*: DataCite -- Welfengarten 1B, 30167 Hannover, Germany
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