[CODATA-international] Announcing the New Release of FAIRsharing

Allyson Lister allyson.lister at oerc.ox.ac.uk
Mon Feb 28 07:52:45 EST 2022

Dear CODATA Community and our FAIRsharing users, adopters and collaborators,

We are very happy to announce that all of the new features we released in beta at the end of last year are now out of beta and available on our production website at https://fairsharing.org/. We encourage you to take a look! There's lots of new things, many of which are just the beginning of future features that will roll out across this year.

  *   Brand new<https://blog.fairsharing.org/?p=231> front and back end for FAIRsharing
  *   New subject browser<https://fairsharing.org/browse/subject>, as detailed in our blog<https://blog.fairsharing.org/?p=159>, which creates new entry points via subject area for our users, and this is just the start of improvements to how users find what they need in FAIRsharing. Further flexibility in searching and filtering is in the pipeline.
  *   We are now an ORCID trusted <https://blog.fairsharing.org/?p=191> party<https://blog.fairsharing.org/?p=191>, and will utilise this status in the near future as we bring in more ways to attribute our maintainer community
  *   Relationship graphs (such as this one for our IVOA collection<https://fairsharing.org/graph/3515>, and the EOSC-Life collection<https://fairsharing.org/graph/3513> described in their news item<https://www.eosc-life.eu/news/new-release-of-fairsharing-org-offers-resources-for-data-and-metadata-standards/>) are now available for all of our records
  *   New documentation<https://fairsharing.gitbook.io/fairsharing/> to help our user community create and search records
  *   New API<https://beta.fairsharing.org/licence>, allowing both reading and writing via REST, and reading via OAI-PMH

Thank you for your ongoing support and enthusiasm, and we look forward to showing you how FAIRsharing grows over the coming year.

Best wishes,


Dr. Allyson Lister

FAIRsharing Coordinator - Content & Community

Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford

Data Readiness Group: https://datareadiness.eng.ox.ac.uk/

ORCiD: 0000-0002-7702-4495

Please note that I work part time. If the matter is urgent, you may wish to email contact at fairsharing.org<mailto:contact at fairsharing.org> instead.

For more on FAIRsharing, please see https://fairsharing.org

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